Rabu, 23 Desember 2015

Artikel Tentang Komputer dalam Bahasa Inggris

Artikel tentang komputer kerapkali menjadi bahan pokok pembelajaran mengenal dunia modern. Sebagaimana orang kebanyakan alami, mereka terlebih dahulu mengenal komputer sehingga kemudian mengenal seluk beluk teknologi yang lebih modern.

Komputer merupakan alat bantu yang perannya hingga saat ini masih tak tergantikan. Entah itu untuk urusan perkantoran, sekolah, bisnis ataupun yang lainnya. Intinya, komputer kini telah menjadi komoditi yang paling bermanfaat untuk menunjang kehidupan manusia modern.

Sehubungan dengan seluk beluk komputer, dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai artikel tentang komputer dalam bahasa inggris. Berikut adalah sepercik ulasan dalam bahasa inggris yang mengulas tentang definisi komputer.
Artikel komputer terbaru


The term computer has a broad meaning and is different for each person. The term computer (the computer) is taken from the Latin word meaning computare calculate (to compute or to reckon).

According Blissmer (1985), a computer is an electronic device that is capable of performing several tasks, which receive input, process the input according to the instructions given, save the commands and results processing, and provides output in the form of information.

Meanwhile, according to Sanders (1985), a computer is an electronic system to manipulate data quickly and accurately as well as designed and organized in order to automatically receive and store input data, processes it, and produces outputs based on the instructions that have been stored in memory. And many more experts are trying to define it differently on the computer. However, in essence it can be concluded that the computer is an electronic device that can accept input, process the input, provide information, using a program stored in the computer memory, can store the programs and the results of processing, and works automatically.

From the definition, there are three important terms, namely the input (data), data processing, and information (output). Data processing using a computer known as electronic data processing (EDP) or electronic of data processing (EDP). Data is a collection of events that raised a fact (fact), can be numbers, letters, special symbols, or a combination of all three. Data still not able to tell much that needs to be processed further.

Data processing is a process of manipulation of data into a form that is more useful and more means, in the form of an information. Thus, information is the result of a data processing activities that provide a more meaningful form of a fact. Therefore, electronic data processing is the process of manipulation of data into a more meaningful form of an information by using an electronic device, namely computer.

Itulah ulasan artikel tentang komputer terbaruyang dibawakan dalam bentuk bahasa inggris. Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda. Terima kasih (Baca juga artikel kami lainnya: BELAJAR TEKNIK KOMPUTER)

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